I truly believe, if we would be honest with ourselves, there have been time in our prayer life that every one of us have had these feelings, • That God did not hear me, • or He is holding out on me, • and He is withholding a blessing that I really need. If you remember, I said • You went to God about something that meant the world to you,,, at that time, o And you were as serious as you have ever been with God, o And your loving Father is saying “NO” to you, o You went to God,,,, almost or maybe with tears, in your “HEART”, Because this thing is bothering you so. o And the only thing you can hear from God,,,,, is “NO”!!! o You went to your loving Father,,,, You are at this time, pleading with Him,,, • “HELP ME” • “HELP ME” • “HELP ME” and the only answer you received,,, what just the opposite of what you called on God to do for you.,